Bishop of Uromi Diocese /School Proprietor
Council Meeting
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.32.56 PM
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.33.00 PM(1)
School Principal
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.36.03 PM(1)
Bishop of Uromi Diocese /School Proprietor Council Meeting WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.32.56 PM WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.33.00 PM(1) School Principal WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.36.03 PM(1)


1. Always bear 7.30am in mind, PUNCTUALITY TO SCHOOL IS A RULE, NOT AN OPTION.
2. Always speak simple and correct English; PIDGIN IS A DISEASE
3. Always respect your teachers in and outside the classroom
4. If there is a teacher in your class, DO NOT BE A NOISE MAKER
5. If you disobey or disrespect, YOU WILL BE PUNISHED
6. If you are punished, TAKE IT AS CORRECTION
7. If you have an assignment, DO IT ON TIME
8. If you are sick, when there is fighting or when you find what is not yours, REPORT IT
9. If you turn it on, TURN IT OFF
10. If you open it, LOCK IT BACK
11. If you break it, FIX IT
12. If you make a mess of the environment, CLEAN IT UP
13. If you don’t know; ASK
14. I resolve to always be A RESPONSIBLE CHILD
The school welcomes visitors, all friends and well-wishers of the Institution. We hope that visitors will recognize the need to maintain a conducive environment for all our students during their visit. With this in mind, the following is effective.
i. Parent(s) and Guardians are allowed to visit their child(ren) in the Boarding School on First Sunday of Every month between 10:00am and 5:00pm. Kindly restrict your visit to Visiting Days.
ii. Every visitor must register with the officially designated security officer at the gate, indicating time in and time out.
iii. All materials intended for any student are thoroughly inspected before access is granted to the school to guard against contrabands
iv. Students must receive their visitors in the designated areas under the supervision of designated officers
v. Visits by educational agencies, University groups and so on should be cleared by staff arrangement

“Our mission at Ufua Memorial Catholic Education Centre, Uromi is to serve God and humanity by providing the best learning environment through the concerted efforts of Management, Parents and Staff in order to help each student develop an active and creative mind, imbibe Christian and National values to foster the total development of each child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, socio-cultural, emotional and physical”
We are a forward thinking school, striving and aiming to prepare each child for our rapidly changing world by equipping him or her with critical thinking skills, global perspectives and respect for core values of discipline, morality, honesty, loyalty, compassion, industry and entrepreneurship. Developing these skills is the corner stone of the education we offer, providing each student with sound foundation for a life that is fit for God and the society, have success for today and prepared for tomorrow


Indeed, Rome was not built in a Day! The story we tell today is like a tapestry that was not woven by a single thread at once
nor by an individual weaver. It is a tale of collective experience spanning several years, spurned by great and daring minds. It
is the story that tells the true power of those little impressions made on little children and how significant they can prove to be
just like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds which grows into mighty trees over time.
In the late 19th Century, there lived a daughter of the soil called Ufua, whose parents were too poor to get her through
elementary school. She nevertheless grew into an industrious young lady and got married to one Oribhabor. She became a
versatile and hardworking mother and then grandmother. Madam Ufua Oribhabor had many grandchildren among whom was
one named Caroline Ojimesike. This industrious grandmother, having missed the opportunity of being educated was yet
deeply convinced about the inestimable value of education especially for the girl child. This conviction made her go out of her
way against all odds to see the little Caroline, her granddaughter, through early education in a desperate effort to prevent her
promising grandchild from suffering same intellectual fate as her. She singlehandedly achieved this at her own expense and
inconvenience thus setting her little granddaughter on course with the key (education) with which she was to record great
achievements much later in life.
Today, that little Caroline is now happily married and a retired Deputy Controller General of the Nigerian Immigration Service
with many great exploits to her credit. Upon retirement and in retrospection of her life’s journey, it was easy for Caroline to
pinpoint the turning point of her entire life, the fact that her grandmother, the Late Madam Ufua Oribhabor laid the foundation
stone years ago, for her great achievements in life by ensuring elementary education for her against all odds. There was
therefore no more befitting monument in honour of her Grand Mother’s Legacy than in 1995 when the couple, Prince (Sir)
Benedict Patrick and Dame Caroline Ewohime established this Citadel of Learning and named her after the Late Madam Ufua
Oribhabor. The school, located in Ebhoiyi, Uromi, was established as a one stop Nursery, Primary and Secondary coeducational Institution with Boarding option for distant students. The Proprietors envisioned the school to be a signature
Memorial of Madam Ufua Oribhabr’s Legacy and love for education; to advance the course of Girl Child education, to contribute
their quota in raising the next generation of change makers for our nation and our world at large.
Today, almost three decades and counting, amidst success stories and challenges, Ufua Memorial Group of Schools continues
to live out the true meaning of her Creed, her inspiration, vision and mission, having laid the necessary foundation for the
emergence of a number of successful and competent Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, Business Tycoons,
Entrepreneurs, Educationists and a host of others today in Nigeria and beyond
In the year 2017, the Proprietors, Prince Benedict and Dame Caroline Ewohime formerly transferred the Management of the
School to the Catholic Diocese of Uromi and in 2021 the entire institution was renamed Ufua Memorial Catholic Education
Centre, Urom