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We are happy to inform you that the School Management has opened up easier and more convenient ways to pay tuition fees and other levies charged by the school.
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Ufua Memorial Catholic Education Center, Uromi, Edo State. © 2022 All Rights Reserved

Apart from academics, there are other important activities which constitute part of our general curriculum for the holistic development of our children. Our basic Co-Curricular activities include but not limited to :
1. Games and Inter House Sports Competition: Apart from regular indoor and outdoor games and other sporting activities, the biennial Inter House Sports Competition provides a platform for healthy competition among our students through which they showcase their physical and psycho-motive development levels

2. Advent Retreat: As a Christian Catholic School, we believe that Christmas is not only a season to merry and recall the First coming of Christ in Bethlehem of Judea but more importantly, a season to prepare our hearts and souls for the Second Coming of Christ. Through Annual Advent Retreat which spans between 3-5 days in the Boarding School, we help them keep focus on the real meaning of Christmas with the aim of growing students’ spirituality.

3. Easter Retreat: Easter Celebrations are not only about festivities more so to recall and appreciate the wondrous sacrifices of Jesus Christ for the Salvation of Mankind. Through our Annual Easter Retreat which spans between 3-5 days after termly examinations, we afford our Boarding Student to reflect on the mysteries of Christ’s Death and Resurrection with the aim of helping them to deepen their Spiritual growth

4. Spiritual Recollection: Aside the Spiritual Retreats that take place in the Boarding School, the School organized a OneDay Recollection which incorporates the entire school community and Day Students as we
5. Christmas on Campus: Our Annual Celebration of Christmas Carols afford our students and the entire school community the opportunity to celebrate Christmas on Campus and share the joy of the Yuletide Season through display of many individual and group talents in Creative Arts, Music, Dance, Drama, Comedy and General Entertainment

6. Out Door Learning / Excursion: We encourage students to actively participate in outdoor Learning and Excursions organized each term in different subject areas as part of practical experience and exposure in their learning process.

7. Cultural Awareness: Through activities such as Cultural Fiesta and Cultural Weekends, we promote the Nigerian Cultural Heritage and understanding of their cultural roots

8. Domestic Training: It is a well-known fact that Boarding Students spend most of their time in school than at home. Hence we open up opportunities for our students to cultivate domestic lessons though termly cooking competitions and involvement in other domestic chores.

9. Skill Acquisition Training Programmes: Our goal is “One Child, One Skill” through entrepreneur / Skill acquisition activities such as Baking, Barbing, Cobbling, Tailoring, Ankara Works and so on, we support our students to develop interest early and enable them to cultivate the values of Hard work, Personal skills, Creativity, Industry and self-help initiatives for a self-sustaining life in the todays’ society.

Aside academic activities at Ufua Memorial Catholic Education Centre, Uromi, we also strive to inculcate Religio-moral values and emphasize daily, the importance of personal spirituality in order to achieve an all-round development of our students. The general school opens and closes each day with a Christian assembly. Our boarding students take part in daily communal prayers in the morning, evening and night times. Each day opens with communal morning prayers and the celebration of Holy Mass which provides opportunity for daily spiritual reflection and moral instructions for the students. Aside communal opportunities for prayers, we encourage personal spirituality among students with the formal recognition of four Pious / Devotional Societies in the Boarding School. They include, Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria CCRN, Legion of Mary, Young Catholic Students, YCS and Eucharistic Youth Movement, EYM. Each Boarding student / Pupil is expected to actively belong to any Pious Society of his or her choice. Boarding Students also engage in weekly Praise and Worship Sessions and have opportunities to seek and attend weekly counseling sessions at stipulated times and to participate in termly Spiritual Retreats at Advent and Lenten Seasons

We have always believed that the child is the center of any meaningful education. Hence students’ welfare tops our priority in a conscious effort to cover the three main domains of learning – Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective- of the child.
1. Hostel Administration is under the care of responsible prefects supervised by a Resident Male or Female Care Giver as applicable
2. Class teachers take adequate care of students in the class room
3. Students also have free access to any member of staff or Hostel Care Giver at any given time.
4. The spiritual aspect is catered for by regular moral instructions, organized prayers and Holy Masses throughout the week.
5. Our goal is a stress-free environment for all provided each child lives by our rules

Bishop of Uromi Diocese /School Proprietor
Council Meeting
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.32.56 PM
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.33.00 PM(1)
School Principal
WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.36.03 PM(1)
Bishop of Uromi Diocese /School Proprietor Council Meeting WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.32.56 PM WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.33.00 PM(1) School Principal WhatsApp Image 2022-01-17 at 8.36.03 PM(1)


i. With the current turn in today’s Nigerian economy, the School places importance on practical agriculture

ii. In pursuit of this ideology, the school makes a farm for students who are required to have a stake: a ridge or a bed and a cash crop which he or she must nurture

iii. To facilitate this, all tools lined out for students as related to agriculture must be procured by every student.

iv. The School also has a dedicated facility for Animal Husbandry where matured students take turn to gain side experiences in Poultry, Goat rearing and other forms of Animal Husbandry

i The School offers health care services at the well-equipped Infirmary within the Campus.. Prescribed and standard NAFDAC registered drugs are supplied from time to time by registered and seasoned pharmacists.

ii A Registered Nurse resides with the students on Campus and Manages student’s health. A qualified and experienced Medical Doctor is attached to the Infirmary and visits regularly for routine observation

iii. Serious cases are however referred to St Camillus Hospital, Uromi and in this case, all medical bills incurred by the child are forwarded to the parents / guardian of the child.

i. The School operates a well-stocked Canteen to cater for the grocery needs of students which opens at strictly regulated times.
ii. The entire School System operates a Cashless Policy and the School Canteen also operates Cashless system as well.
iii. Each student holds a Student Pocket money account from where any personal expenditure authorized by the student is accordingly deducted.
Iv. Students who have reached spending limits based on their pocket money provided by his or her parents are not allowed to keep spending

v. Running the Canteen on Cashless Policy of the school enables us to regulate individual students spending habit, help students keep record of personal expenditure and help them develop a culture of financial prudence